Cezara-Lucia Vlădescu

The Bad Doctor

Many people around me have or have already died of cancer.
What do they all have in common? The Bad Doctor.

I wonder – is it the money appeal or the fact that most of them suck and/or/and are evil?
You get a cold – you know not to eat certain things if you want to get better.
But to a cancer patient who already had a junk-diet lifestyle, a cancer patient who could still beat that naughty abnormal cell – you tell them to keep on eating the usual??
Carbs, sugars, plants (best case), potatoes, fries, processed awful products (which don’t even taste good)?

You have a cancer patient who isn’t in the last stage, who is securely fighting cancer and you, as a doctor, haven’t heard about Vitamin C IV? “You don’t lack vitamin C, that IV is not something we do”. Says the doctor who learned his 100 pages for the doctor title 70 years ago.

It’s your duty as a doctor, besides your 8-10 hours shift, where most of the time and most of you are either way drinking coffee and gossip, to make sure you read every single paper, from every single country and be up to date with everything.
It’s not like it is THAT much that it’s being discovered.

As a family doctor, you haven’t heard about pre-diabetes? Diabetes 2 symptoms?? Diabetes 2 blood results???
As an endocrinologist neither?
Well, I’ll be damned.

I have to listen constantly to people giving their opinion about arts or literature, while not having a clue what they are talking about. An opinion should be based on knowledge. First knowledge, then opinion. There is no “taste” in art.
Though one important thing I have to mention – most of the people that I have met whose “opinions” had value, were not even professionals. They had more respect and interest toward art than “professionals”.

When it comes to doctors – you raise your eyes if the patient is researching on the internet or library??

A simple thingy that I have been suffering from ever since I was little developed into something bigger just because xxx-doctors ignored blood analysis, ignored symptoms, but were eager to charge 5 figures yearly for having me coming into their offices.
Now it’s a bit too late.
Now I know what my sickness is, how it could have been prevented and what it’s primarily called – it’s called The Bad Doctor.
Symptoms: doctor looks for ways to improve his bank account rather than solving your problems.

I mean…Corona….all the billions that doctors and hospitals pushed into their ugly panties is proof enough.
That and my condition.

I could have been healthy, I sure lived that way.
But no. That wouldn’t make the doctors rich.

For every bad “artist” there is a bad “doctor”. That’s the graph.
The math? I can name about 20 artists in 100 years worth mentioning.
The rest is genetic modified poop.

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